The Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools which is additional to main school funding. It is allocated according to the number of pupils on-roll who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) within the past 6 years. It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

However, schools are to be held accountable for how they have used the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families. Please see below for information regarding how the pupils premium was spent in the last academic year, the impact of this funding, and the plans for future spending.


  • to eradicate any barriers to learning which may be caused by disadvantage
  • to enable all children to achieve their full potential
  • to ensure all disadvantaged pupils perform in line with their peers
  • all enjoy the same entitlements which give equal access to a broad, balanced, varied and individualised curriculum which nurtures individual talent and bespoke areas of development


Impact measures and evaluation reports will be made each term with specific monitoring of data and work scrutiny to ensure disadvantaged learners are being catered for appropriately and effectively. This will include all teachers held to account for the progress data of disadvantaged pupils through half termly data collection and analysis, and through Performance Management targets relating specifically to vulnerable groups of learners.

Pupils’ voice and opinions will be obtained discretely to ensure that all children are accessing their entitlement to extra-curricular activities. This will be reported at the mid-point of the year and actions made in response to this.

Download the Abbey Mead Primary Academy –
Pupil Premium Strategy – Abbey Mead Primary Academy 2024-2025
Pupil Premium Strategy-Abbey Mead Primary Academy 2023-2024
Pupil Premium Strategy – Abbey Mead Primary Academy 2022-2023
Pupil Premium – June Analysis 2023

Previous Reports & Data

Pupil Premium Strategy – Abbey Mead Primary Academy 2021-2022 Costed
Pupil Premium Strategy – Abbey Mead Primary Academy 2022-2023
AMPA Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021 Review
AMPA Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-2021
AMPA Pupil Premium Strategy 2019-2020 & Evaluation