The teaching of a Modern Foreign Language at Abbey is fundamental to instilling in our children a shared love and appreciation of language. 98% of our children speak English as an Additional Language and have varying fluency in home languages. We want to build on this with our teaching of French.
Following disruptions to our practice resultant of COVID-19 and a trial of the teaching of Mandarin in 2019, we re-launched French across Key Stage 2 at Abbey in 2021-22. This year, we continue to build on last year’s successes. At Abbey, French is learnt across Years 3 to 6, following the Primary Languages Network scheme. Lessons are fun, varied and engaging, allowing children to practice their French skills in different ways. Our ambition is for all children to become competent in conversational and written French by the time they leave Abbey Mead, starting with developing the key building blocks of basic language acquisition.
Have a look at some pictures as Year 3 launched their French journey this year!
Subject Policies/Plans
Subject Leader/s
Mrs R Rehman and Miss S Resch
Our children have made a good start to learning French. Here are some of their thoughts.
Teachers also post amazing examples of French learning on our Abbey Mead Twitter feed. Have a look to see some French learning in action.