As well as prioritising the health and wellbeing of our children, we also value our staff and make sure that work is a happy place that they enjoy, are fulfilled and want to give their very best to. Working in schools is always rewarding, but not always easy. We recognise this as try to manage staff wellbeing in the following ways:
Our Culture
- Anonymous staff questionnaires twice a year which are analysed at both academy and Trust level.
- There is a culture of honesty and openness. Staff are encouraged to discuss, debate, challenge and suggest.
- Collaboration and teamwork is a strong feature of our academy. Staff work together well, support each other and respect each other.
- Phase meetings have a standing agenda item to discuss wellbeing, support colleagues and wellbeing suggestions can be put forward.
- CPD is valued and encouraged for all staff. A bespoke coaching model supports staff professionally and empowers them as leaders at every level and in every role.
- Distributed leadership ensures that roles and responsibilities and shared and personal preferences and expertise are taken into account.
- Character development and mental health sits at the heart of much of what we do with the children. Staff engage in activities, discussions and CPD based upon this-both teaching and learning about it themselves.
- Carefully planned 1265 directed hours that gives time to display, coaching, year group planning and leadership and management time.
- Protected PPA time for ½ day a week and full day for NQTs.
- Leadership time given during the school day for core subject and phase leaders. All staff are encouraged to ask for additional release time if their workload becomes too high.
- Only 3 data points a year.
- Learning walks rather than lesson observations.
- A marking policy that is effective, but minimises unnecessary workload.
- Lesson plans are not expected in any particular format.
- An emphasis on work in books and children’s progress, rather than paperwork and planning.
- Reports to parents minimises extended comments from teachers.
- Effective use of email and work calendar to ensure time isn’t wasted.
- Email is strongly discouraged outside of working hours. Replies to emails outside working hours are not expected.
- A commitment to constantly reviewing and listening to ideas about reducing bureaucracy and workload.
- An admin team that is able to support staff with photocopying and admin duties.